FANUC industrial Robot Preventative Maintenance for Your FANUC Robot FANUC industrial Robot FANUC industrial Robot FANUC industrial Robot

Preventative Maintenance for Your FANUC Robot

FANUC robots are some of the most powerful, sophisticated, and intelligent in the robotics industry. FANUC robots can be used to automate a broad range of applications from assembly to material removal to welding. However, like most types of machinery, FANUC robots require routine maintenance in order to remain in good condition and operating at peak performance levels.

Preventative maintenance is the term used in the robotics industry that refers to the series of checks and tasks that must be completed during specified intervals of time to maintain an industrial robot. Preventative maintenance timeframes vary by robotic manufacturer and the type of tasks. FANUC recommends maintenance checks on a daily, monthly, quarterly, and yearly basis. The specific tasks vary with each interval of time, but the majority of maintenance tasks take place during the yearly inspection. Keeping a preventative maintenance schedule will ensure your FANUC robot remains in good condition and extends its shelf life. Routine preventative maintenance can keep the FANUC Arcmate 120ic running like new. Mechanical failures are avoided as issues can be caught before they turn into major repairs. Safety hazards, low repeatability, cable wear, poor tooling positioning, and program losses are other issues that can be prevented through regular maintenance of your FANUC robot.

Before starting your FANUC robot each day, operators should inspect it for any damaged parts. In addition, if your articulated robot operates within a workcell, the safety sensors should be cleaned. The robot’s mechanical unit should also be checked for any oil or grease leaks. Performing these daily checks can help prevent any safety hazards from arising.

Once a month, users should inspect the ventilation of the controller’s cooling fans. It is important to keep vents clear to allow for proper air flow.

On a quarterly basis, cables should be inspected for damage or premature wear and their connections should be secured. Other quarterly maintenance tasks include tightening external bolts on the robot, cleaning the mechanical unit, and inspecting the EOAT.

In addition to daily, monthly, and quarterly maintenance, a larger preventative maintenance plan is recommended by FANUC once a year or every 3,850 hours, whichever comes first. The 3,850 hours refers to the operation hours of the robot or the hours the robot is actually working not the total hours it is powered on. For instance, if your FANUC M-20ia hits 3,850 operating hours before a year, the yearly preventative maintenance will be needed at that point regardless of being under a year from the last maintenance or implementation. Yearly preventative maintenance tasks include backing up the controller and teach pendant, replacing robot and controller batteries, replacing robot grease, inspecting the brake system, observing and listening for irregular movements or noise, and thoroughly inspecting the overall condition of the FANUC robot.

Other maintenance tasks for FANUC six axis robots occur on a less frequent basis. Replacing axis grease is recommended every three years for FANUC robots. While replacing the CPU batteries and mechanical unit cables is needed every four years.

Staying on top of a preventative maintenance routine will allow you to maximize the benefits of your FANUC robot whether you have an older LR Mate 200ic or a newer CR-15ia.

Contact Robots Done Right in order to discuss selling a used FANUC industrial robot today.

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