Advantages of Robotic Oxyfuel Cutting

FANUC R2000ib 125L R30ia Motoman MA1400 FANUC M710ic 50 Motoman HP6 NX100 FANUC Arcmate 120ic
Robotic oxyfuel cutting involves using industrial robots to automate the process of dividing thick iron workpieces. During the process robot manipulators apply a torch to workpieces to heat them to their ignition temperatures. Once reached, the metals then become iron oxide, also known as slag. The slag puddles on top of the workpiece surface in which the robot then applies a jet of oxygen to push through the slag, leaving behind a cut. The FANUC Arcmate 120ic/10L and Yaskawa MA1900 are both ideal for oxyfuel cutting automation. Automating oxyfuel cutting applications provides a number of advantages that lead to an optimized process.

  • • Cut Thick Metals - Robotic oxyfuel cutting is very effective for cutting through thick metals. The ABB IRB 2600 and other oxyfuel cutting robots can cut metals with a thickness of 50 mm or greater.

  • • Accurate Cuts - Oxyfuel cutting robots are known for their precision. Oxyfuel cutting robots produce accurate, straight edge cuts. With robotic oxyfuel cutting there is greater control over the application parameters which allows for better accuracy. The accuracy of articulated robots eliminates errors and material waste. Application paths are followed precisely mitigating mistakes that often result in the use of more materials and rework. The accuracy of industrial robots improves part quality as well as cycle times. Fewer errors to correct means little to no rework allowing for faster cycle runs.

  • • Greater Range - Six axis robots have a greater range of motion which allows them to access hard to reach workpieces from difficult angles and distances. Robot manipulators feature longer reaches than humans, which allows for them to cover and reach greater distances. In addition, they are integrated with thinner and longer torches, enhancing their range.

  • • Secondary Applications - Oxyfuel cutting robots also provide the versatility to automate secondary applications. These industrial robot arms can perform welding, soldering, bracing, and gouging processes in addition to oxyfuel. The FANUC Arcmate 120ic can oxyfuel cut metals and then switch to welding, automating multiple steps within a manufacturing process. With an oxyfuel cutting robot, manufacturers inherit a multi-purpose piece of equipment for the cost of a single machine.

  • • Safer than Manual Methods - Manual oxyfuel cutting exposes workers to UV, infrared, and blue light. Toxic fumes, high heat, and flashback are some of the other hazards workers are exposed to with oxyfuel cutting. These hazards can pose serious short and long-term health risks. Oxyfuel cutting robots are designed to handle the hazards of the application. Automating with industrial robots prevents worker exposure to the safety risks of oxyfuel cutting, avoiding workplace accidents, injuries, and illness.

  • • Stronger Cuts - Oxyfuel cutting robots produce stronger cut edges. Metals cut by robotic manipulators become harder due to the high heat used. The result is more durable and stronger cut edges that will not deteriorate or wear over time.

  • • Cost-Effective - Automating oxyfuel cutting with industrial robots creates a more cost-effective process. Labor and material costs are reduced with oxyfuel cutting robots. In addition, manufacturing time is saved while equipment and production lines are streamlined. The cost-effectiveness of robotic oxyfuel cutting can expand profit potential for manufacturers.

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