Why We Need Robotic Automation

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Robotic automation involves programming and reprogramming industrial robots to automatically execute production related tasks. It was once mainly deployed in industrial settings but today robotic automation is also being used in non-industrial settings such as the pharmaceutical, medical, and food industries. While robotic automation has been trending for quite some time the use of articulated robots has rapidly accelerated in the past couple of years. Reasons for this can be attributed to the many benefits of the FANUC M-10ia and other six axis robots such as higher productivity, safety, increased quality, and faster cycle times. However, it is not just that companies are finally deciding to capitalize on the benefits of robotic automation, there are several factors occurring in which robotic automation is no longer optional but necessary.

Worker Shortages

Just about every industry in the United States is experiencing a labor shortage. The labor shortage is especially apparent in industrial sectors. More workers are retiring from manufacturing positions than there are workers available to fill vacant jobs. The offshoring of manufacturing that happened several years ago has resulted in fewer people attending trade schools or being trained for industrial work like welding. Another problem is manufacturing jobs are notoriously undesirable since they are labor intensive, repetitive, dirty, and dangerous. With fewer workers available to hire factories are running on scarce labor. The severe labor shortages have made automating with the Yaskawa Motoman MA1440 and other robot manipulators necessary in order to fill vacant positions.

Increasing Costs

The increase of costs associated with labor, materials, and utilities is also making robotic automation necessary for many companies. The increase in minimum wage along with workers in general asking for higher salaries has significantly increased labor costs. Inflation has sharply driven up the cost of many materials used in manufacturing along with the cost of utilities. Automating with industrial robots is the best method for combating rising costs. Industrial robot arms reduce the amount of manual labor which in turn lowers labor costs. Manufacturing robot arms are accurate and prevent errors which reduces material waste while making material usage more consistent. Factory robots can operate in dim lighting without heating or cooling helping to conserve utilities. Reducing costs incurred during production allows manufacturers to maintain healthy profit margins and offer their products at affordable prices for consumers.

Creating More Efficient Manufacturing

Robotic automation is also creating more efficient manufacturing. Industrial robots can automate multiple applications. The ABB 4600-40 can perform material handling and material removal processes. Fewer robots are needed to run a production line than workers. They also lower product downtime with their reliable, consistent, and around the clock operation.

Better Opportunities for Manufacturers and Workers

Another reason we need robotic automation is because it can create better opportunities for manufacturers and workers. Handling robots are playing a key role in bringing back manufacturing to the United States as they make running a production more affordable domestically. The scaleability of robotic automation makes growth realistic for companies and opens up the possibility of competing on the global scale. Robotic automation also creates more desirable, skilled, and better paying jobs for workers. As more robots are deployed the need for robotic technicians, operators, programmers, and engineers increases.

Robots Done Right is the place to start when it comes to used robots. Contact us if you are interested in buying or selling a used robot.