Advantages of Robotic Deburring Applications

FANUC R2000ib 125L R30ia Motoman MA1400 FANUC M710ic 50 Motoman HP6 NX100 FANUC Arcmate 120ic
Deburring is a critical finishing process in manufacturing. Deburring refers to the removal of burrs, edges, or other inconsistencies that are often the by product of other manufacturing processes such as drilling or trimming. Deburring in the past has largely been a manual process as many believed it was too difficult for robotic automation. However, the development of robotic vision, advanced sensors, and better programming software has allowed for the automation of this process with the FANUC M-20ia and other industrial robots. Automating deburring applications with articulated robots provides several advantages which include:

  • • Higher Quality - Manual deburring can be inconsistent and inaccurate. Humans simply lack the precision needed to accurately remove burrs from parts and replicating their work with each part is nearly impossible. Robot manipulators excel at repetition. They are programmed to follow the application parameters with every part which allows them to replicate their work over and over reducing inconsistencies. The precision of the Yaskawa Motoman HP20D prevents errors such as removing too much or too little material. With robotic deburring product quality increases and becomes consistent.

  • • Reduced Scrap Rate - Manual Deburring is usually associated with a high scrap rate as it can be very error prone. Deburring errors often result in rework and the scrapping of parts causing greater material waste and costs. Workers can easily tire or become distracted leading to mistakes being made. Manufacturing robot arms mitigate errors with their accuracy. The prevention of errors during deburring means less rework and scrapped parts. Material usage becomes consistent and predictable with robotic automation.

  • • Higher Throughput - Robotic deburring can significantly increase throughput. The ABB 4600-40 is much faster at deburring workpieces than humans. Factory robots operate at fast speeds and move from part to part without any delays. Industrial robotic arms can also run continuously around the clock. There are never any breaks or shift changes with robotic deburring. All of these factors will reduce cycle times allowing for higher throughput rates. More parts can be processed in less time significantly boosting productivity. With robotic deburring manufacturers can meet higher consumer demand.

  • • Safer Work Environment - A safer work environment is one of the immediate advantages of robotic deburring. Manual deburring exposes workers to flying debris, dust, and loud noise. The repetitive motions of operating deburring equipment can cause fatigue and stress injuries. In addition, the operation of sharp tooling frequently puts workers at risk of finger lacerations and amputations. Work related injuries cost manufacturers both time and money. Automating deburring with the KUKA KR16 and other six axis robots removes workers from facing such hazards. Delays and stoppages related to work accidents are prevented allowing manufacturing to run smoothly.

  • • Lower Costs - Automating with industrial robots will lower production costs. Faster cycle times mean products will cost less overall to be manufactured. Fewer errors and less scrap helps to save on material costs. Fewer workers will be needed with robotic deburring reducing salary and other labor related costs. With lower costs and higher productivity manufacturers can quickly earn their return on investment with most occurring within two years of automation.

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