KUKA Teach Pendants

One of the key steps for successfully automating an application with a KUKA robot is programming. Robotic programs are sets of application specific instructions written in code in which the KUKA robot control system can interpret. Application programs are often relayed to KUKA robots through teach pendants.

Teach pendants are one of the main components of an industrial robot. They are the handheld devices that are usually tethered to a KUKA controller. Teach pendants come standard with KUKA robots which is why they are the most common programming method for the KUKA KR16 and other KUKA robots. KUKA teach pendants can be broken down into two categories; their legacy teach pendants and their smartPAD teach pendants.

KUKA Legacy Teach Pendants

The legacy teach pendant is the older version of KUKA pendants. KUKA no longer manufacturers the legacy pendant but it is still possible to find them through the used parts market. KUKA legacy pendant models are compatible with the KRC1, KRC2, and KRC3 controllers. Like the legacy pendants, these are older versions of KUKA robot controllers and are only compatible with their older robots such as the KUKA KR6.

The legacy pendant features the traditional teach pendant design with a display screen, keypad, and e-stop button. It can be used to input application commands, troubleshoot, recall operation, and view the robot history.

KUKA smartPAD Teach Pendants

KUKA’s smartPAD pendant is their most recent version of teach pendant. It is compatible with their newer KRC4 controlled robots. The ______ is one of KUKA’s KRC4 robots that uses the smartPAD pendant.

Like the other major robotic manufacturers, KUKA has updated its teach pendant with a touchscreen display, forgoing the traditional display screen and keypad combination. It also features a 6D mouse for jogging and reorientating the robot. The smartPAD is built with an IP54 rating, for reliable programming even in harsh work environments. With the smartPAD KUKA has simplified online robot programming making it more intuitive than before. Novice or experienced robot users can program the KUKA KR10-R1100 with the smartPAD teach pendant.

Why Program with a KUKA Pendant?

There are multiple ways in which KUKA robots can be programmed. However, teach pendants still remain the most common. The main reason for this is because they come standard with KUKA robotic systems. Other programming methods often require additional software or hardware adding to the cost of the robotic system.

Teach pendants are also the most familiar programming method for KUKA robots. Since for many years they were the only method available for programming most robot techs already know how to use them. Offline programming software is still relatively new and can require a bit of a learning curve. With pendants downtime for training is often not necessary.

Teach pendants also allow for the most accurate programming of KUKA robots. Users are able to enter precise coordinates with teach pendants, allowing the KUKA KR6 R700 to achieve specific positioning.

Robots Done Right sells used KUKA smartPAD pendants that are compatible with KUKA’s KRC4 robots. Purchasing a used pendant through RDR is a cost-effective way to replace a broken or missing teach pendant.

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