FANUC R2000ib 165F R30ia Motoman MH6 DX100 FANUC M710ic 50 R30ia Motoman HP6 NX100 FANUC Arcmate 120ic

Robotic Predictive Maintenance

Conducting regular maintenance is critical to ensuring an industrial robot operates continuously at its full potential and remains in good condition. Until recently preventative maintenance was the only method used for maintaining industrial robots. However, the development of Industry 4.0 has led to the incorporation of artificial intelligence technology with robots. AI technology has digitized robots including how they are kept up with predictive maintenance.

Robotic predictive maintenance involves using algorithms and data collected from robotic components to provide insight on the status of an industrial robot. Predictive maintenance allows articulated robots to self-monitor to predict when maintenance or a repair will be needed along with providing a course of action to take for the issue. Instead of performing a generalized maintenance program at scheduled intervals based on hours or a calendar time, predictive maintenance occurs when it is needed by the robot, based upon real time conditions. Rather than preforming maintenance on the FANUC Arcmate 120ic every 6,000 hours, maintenance is only scheduled when a trend is flagged as a potential failure. Predictive maintenance can accurately calculate wear on robot components, when consumables should be replaced, the average lifespan of robotic components, and the frequency of robot movement patterns. All of this data allows for more targeted and effective maintenance of industrial robots. Instead of users guessing when the Motoman MA1440 will need maintenance, the MA1440 will alert users when service is needed and with what specific components.

Benefits of Predictive Maintenance

One of the main benefits of robotic predictive maintenance is that it significantly increases the uptime of an industrial robot. Having the technology to predict when components need to be replaced or when they may fail allows users to get ahead of potential malfunctions or breakdowns. Components can be replaced before a major breakdown, helping to avoid long periods of downtime. In addition, maintenance only occurs when needed and is targeted to specific components instead of performing a generalized maintenance routine for the entire six axis robot at predetermined intervals. This further reduces the downtime of the robot, allowing it to remain productive for longer periods of time.

Another benefit of predictive maintenance is that it is a targeted maintenance program. Predictive maintenance programs alert users about specific components that need attention along with a protocol to follow to resolve the issue. This ensures maintenance is effective and that any issues are not missed or overlooked.

Predictive maintenance can also lower costs as money is saved by preventing unplanned downtime, major repairs, and unnecessary preventative maintenance procedures. Improving the performance of robotic components and extending the service life of those components also reduces costs.

Predictive maintenance ensures all components of the FANUC Lr Mate 200id are in good condition and operating effectively for optimal performance from the robot. This improves product quality through reduced rework and the elimination of defects. Safety can also be improved as monitoring the robotic system allows users to stay ahead of any possible failures to avoid collisions or accidents.

Robotic predictive maintenance is a more efficient method to maintaining industrial robots in order to maximize their use and benefits.

Robots Done Right is the place to start when it comes to used robots. Contact us if you are interested in buying or selling your used robot.

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